Experiment #4: Be A Beach Person

I’m not really a beach person.  I don’t go to the beach that much.  I don’t go to the beach at all really.

I grew up near the beach, right on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan.  It was beautiful.  In the summer, the beach is absolutely amazing.  I almost never went.

I think the ocean is beautiful.  I think the beach is pretty.  I like watching the sun go down over the water.  I like to see the green flash at the end of sunset.  I like the way the sand feels on my bare feet.  But I never go to the beach.

I live in San Diego, perhaps one of the greatest beach towns in the country, if not the world.  In the twelve years I’ve lived here I bet I’ve gone to the beach and hung out less than 10 times.

I’m just not a beach person…

Or am I?

Maybe I’m missing out.  The beach is free.  There’s no admission, no parking to pay for.  It’s beautiful.  Maybe I am a beach person but I’m just not in the habit of going.

For one week, I will go to the beach everyday and see what happens.

Experiment #3: Obey The Speed Limit

What if I drove the speed limit?  Would I enjoy driving again?

I used to love driving.  LOVE IT.  Not anymore.  Now, I am constantly annoyed by the actions of the other drivers on the road.  It seems like no one is paying attention to what they are doing.  People are cutting each other off left and right, not looking where they are going, and generally acting like selfish assholes behind the wheel.

What if I slowed everything down, at least for myself?  Would I feel more calm and less stress?  I hate getting behind slower drivers, even though I realize they are not doing anything wrong, as long as they are going at least as fast as the speed limit.

Maybe I’m in too much of a hurry?

For the next week, I will try my best to only drive the speed limit, and no faster.  I can already tell…this one’s gonna be hard.